Friday, May 17, 2013

Andrew "Kyle" Frank: Back-To-Back "Rock the Boat Business Pitch" Winner

Kyle holding his 1st place plaque for the 2013 Rock the Boat Business Pitch  and his invention the Steamin' Suit Bag.
Kyle Frank, 22, is a senior business major with a finance minor who is preparing to graduate on Saturday. He also happens to be one of my good friends here at SRU. You've probably seen him walking around campus or just around Slippery Rock in general. What you may not have known is that Kyle is the back-to-back winner of the SRU Rock the Boat Business Pitch Competition; winning it last spring then winning it again this year. The Rock the Boat Business Pitch is a competition between students basically proposing business plans and being judged on how practical, plausible, and innovative their business is and whether or not they can sell it. Kyle explains that his plan for the competition is to come up with his own business being made out of something and being sold from that. In other words; coming up with something that is his own, producing it, and then moving on to selling it himself.

 Above is a video of Kyle going into more detail about the competition itself, and his approach going in.

Kyle won the competition last year with his own product, the Keepin' Cool Bag. The Keepin' Cool Bag, was his own creation that he came up with for the purpose of being able to transport cold or frozen items long distances without it going to waste or spoiling. He says that living in Stewartstown, PA, being a good 5 to 6 hours away from Slippery Rock, he would have trouble transporting food that needed to stay cold or frozen from home up to SRU. He explained how he would try to bring up meat from home but it would either dethaw or spoil, in a typical cooler, before he got up to school. To him, this was a problem that needed fixing. Personally living 4 hours away from Slippery Rock myself this is a problem that I can actually relate too, we usually just fill a cooler full of ice and be lucky if the stuff keeps until we get up to school. To solve this problem, Kyle developed his Keepin' Cool Bag, which for the most part is a cooler that has an attachment on it to put dry ice in. He tells me that his cooler with the dry ice will keep your stuff cold for about 24 hours or more and will keep it frozen for up to 14 hours. After winning the competition last year, he explained, he started talking to one of the largest dry ice companies in the United States about his cooler. The company, according to Kyle, seemed to like his product and directed him to a sub company called Penguin Ice. After talking with them the plan ended up falling through and Kyle moved on to his next project, the Steamin' Suit Bag.

Shirt before the Steamin' Suit Bag
The Steamin' Suit Bag is the prototype that Kyle won the Rock the Boat Competition with this year. The Suit Bag, as he calls it for short, is a way to get the wrinkles out of your shirt or suit. Ok, yeah there are already ways that you can do that like an iron, a steamer, or just hanging it up in the bathroom with the shower on hot. However, an iron isn't easily transportable, a shower can't always be reliable, and a steamer you have to hold out perfectly straight for minutes while you de-wrinkle your shirt. All inconvenient in their own way. The Suit Bag, for the most part is a Men's Wearhouse suit bag, as he says he likes their suits, that he rigged with a hook-up to have a steamer shoot steam through the bag. The specifics of which he refused to reveal, but I was told there is a lot more that goes into the design than just that. Essentially, you preheat the steamer for a few minutes to get the steam running through the bag then you put your shirt or suit in, let it sit in the bag for about 10 minutes then take it out and let it dry for 3-5 minutes.

This is a video of the Steamin' Suit Bag in the process of de-wrinkling a shirt.

And below is the shirt, the same shirt from above, after going through the Steamin' Suit Bag

Kyle told me that once he graduates he will start seeking an initial patent on his Suit Bag. To get an initial patent he will have to send his idea out and pay $125 and if he is granted an initial patent for his product it will last for a year or two until he can get a full one. Once he gets the initial patent, which he is hoping to get this summer, he will begin sending his idea out to patent companies about getting a full patent on the Suit Bag. The problem, at this point, for Kyle is that the cost of getting a full patent is $10.000 and then even once that is paid off it takes about a year and a half to two years to actually receive the full patent. Once he graduates, he plans on working for a marketing company called Varipoint selling Verizon Fios to begin making the money he needs to get a full patent on his Suit Bag. He also tells me that he is already talking to a building company based in Pittsburgh about designing a smaller steamer and lighter bag for easier travel.

Kyle discusses what his plans past college are and what he will be doing to further the advancement of his inventions.

You would think a kid who has won the Rock the Boat Business Pitch two years in a row had to know this is what he was he was doing coming out of high school, wrong. He told me that it came down to 2 majors and 2 schools. Trying to decide between doing business and biology in college; his plan was if he went to school for biology he was coming to Slippery Rock, if business he was planning on going to Texas Tech. Kyle decided to choose Slippery Rock and go for biology. Part way through the second semester of his freshman year he ended up changing his major to business and stayed here at SRU. Then, at the advice of his professor Dr. Chatterjee, he picked up a finance minor this past semester which he just completed on Thursday saying, "It was the hardest test I've ever taken."

Kyle explains how he got into business and creating his own inventions.

As he said in the video, his first idea came in high school. Being part of the track team he took notice to how much the metal track spikes would wear down after walking on sidewalks. A problem that I am all too familiar with from my days playing high school football. We would have to walk a block on the sidewalk to our practice field, wearing down the spikes on our cleats to the point where we usually had to replace the spikes 2-3 times a season. To defeat this problem he, along with some others, came up with the idea of retractable spikes. The idea was that when walking on hard surfaces the spikes would retract into cleat and not wear them down. This idea, as he says, turned out to be a failure as the spikes ended up just breaking off rather than retracting but still ended up paving the way for his future.

Here is the back of the Steamin' Suit Bag, at the bottom you can see the part where the steamer is connected  to the bag to shoot steam into the bag.

As he was touching on earlier in one of the videos, he says that he's never been too fond of tests. Kyle is more of a hands-on, problem solving kind of guy. This is how he comes up with a lot of his ideas. He likes to look at things that he personally has problems with and thinks, "How can I fix this?" This you can see in his ideas for the Keepin' Cool Bag and the retractable spikes. For the Steamin' Suit Bag, however, he was approached by a friend who talked about his idea of a suitcase press steamer. After talking, Kyle decided the idea would work better using a bag and shooting steam through it. From there they ran with the idea and Kyle took over as the headman. Although admitting that he himself was never really good with tests and paperwork, he brought on his good friend Gil Malek, a 22 year-old marketing major, to be the "paperwork man."

Admitting that he was never good with tests or paperwork, Kyle enlisted the help of Gil, who he called "the student" of their group.

After winning the last two Rock the Boat Business Pitch competitions, and having plans to get a patent and sell his prototypes; for now Kyle is just relishing in the moment of being done and about to graduate. Once he graduates though, he will be hard at work seeing his plans through. At the end of it all he says, "it doesn't matter if it's only two seconds that I helped you, all I care about is that I helped someone."

Monday, April 29, 2013

Web Biography Proposal

For our web biography assignment we have to find someone who has done or who has been through something interesting or unique. For my web biography I would like to do it on Kyle Frank. Kyle is a good friend of mine and is a senior Business major here at Slippery Rock. He has come up with several ideas for inventions and even won an invention competition last spring. He has a current invention that once he graduates he will seek a patent on it and begin trying to market it. I believe this would fit for the web biography assignment because not everyone can come up with a successful invention and most actually fail, but after winning a competition and already having plans to seek a patent I think it would be an interesting piece to look at.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SRU Earth Day Festival

Slippery Rock University continues to host several Earth Day events with an Earth Day Festival on Tuesday which took place in the Quad from 12:30 pm to 2 pm. The festival was sponsored by SRU Public Health majors and was aimed at raising students awareness about the Earth. It featured several information tables educating students about ways they can help save the Earth and also had a number of games that students could play.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mihalik-Thompson Stadium

My proposal for the meograph timeline assignment is to do a history of Mihalik-Thompson Stadium. I am planning on talking about when it was first built, the two coaches it is named after, and the types of events that take place on the field. Along with the history of the stadium I also plan on touching a little bit on the history of The Rock football team seeing as to how football is the primary use of the field. I would assemble pictures and videos of the stadium. I would try to get an interview with Coach Mihalik and ask him about what it means to him to have the stadium named after him.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Evolve with Evive

Evive station in the Smith Student Center
On Monday April 8th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Smith Student Center, members from Evive were selling Evive water bottles to students. The bottles are to be used with the new Evive water filling stations that are
located upstairs in the student center by the SGA office and in the ARC. The two stations were installed shortly after spring break and provide students with quick, fresh, filtered, and chilled water.
Ashlynn Seeman, a senior Early Childhood Education major checks out her new Evive water bottle
The water bottles were being sold for $7 plus tax, which came to a total of $7.42 per bottle. The bottles themselves are double layered for better insulation and are capable of keeping your water chilled for up to as long as 4 to 5 hours. After you purchased your Evive bottle, you have to go online to the Evive webpage to register your bottle and to set up your pin and preferences before use.
Evive station in the ARC

The Evive water filling stations were first installed at West Virginia University last April and have since been increasing in their popularity. With the two just recently installed on the SRU campus, students can now get to use these innovative machines. Now what makes these Evive stations so much different than any other water filling station is that the machine will clean your bottle before filling it with filtered water. While your bottle gets cleaned and re-filled, the screen on the machine will play you a short commercial based on the preferences that you had entered when you registered your bottle. The short ads are from Ad agencies that sponsor Evive and this is what allows you to use the Evive stations for free.

Evive Station intern and senior Secondary Education and History major Lenny Caric sells the Evive water bottles and explains their use in this video.

Emily Herring, 20, a sophomore Early Childhood and Special Education major tries out her new Evive water bottle for the first time at the Evive station in the Smith Student Center.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hersheypark Gearin' Up for Spring

Over spring break I was fortunate to be able to get the opportunity to take a tour of Hersheypark  to observe the maintenance and service that is required to get the park ready for the new year. Hersheypark opens up for 'Springtime in the Park' on Friday so the workers are busy putting together the finishing touches and getting the safety inspections done for its opening. For 'Springtime in the Park,' Hersheypark will be open (with the exception of water rides) the weekends of March 29-31, April 6-7, and April 13-14 before the park completely opens for summer on May 3rd.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rago on Wrongful Convictions and DNA Analysis

Duquesne University School of Law professor John Rago lectures about wrongful conviction and DNA analysis at the SRU Alumni House on Tuesday.

John Rago talks about Vincent Moto, a man who was wrongly convicted of rape during his lecture at the SRU Alumni House on Tuesday.

John Rago, professor at the Dusquesne University School of Law talks about how he got into law after his presentation about wrongful conviction and DNA analysis.

Aksel Casson, SRU professor of Anthropology, reflects on the presentation given by John Rago from the Duquesne University School of Law.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Drinking at 18?

When you turn 18; you're allowed to vote, you're allowed to smoke cigarettes, you can serve on juries, you can get married, you can be prosecuted as an adult, and you can join the military. Though you can't go to a bar and order yourself a nice cold one after a long day or to hangout with friends or watch a game. When you turn 18 this is supposed to be the age when you become an adult and start making decisions for yourself, but apparently not decisions about drinking. 

Shortly after prohibition most of the states established their minimum legal drinking age as 21. Since then there has been debate about lowering the drinking age. In the 1970's we saw a number of states actually lower their age, even if the majority of them eventually ended up raising them back.  For a better understanding of the history of the drinking age check out The Week.

 The main reason for the drinking age being restored back to 21 were the results of several studies showing that the number of motor vehicle accidents among teens increased significantly with a lower minimum legal drinking age. The American Medical Association says that the 21 legal drinking age saves more than 1,000 teen lives a year. 

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an advocacy group trying to stop drunk driving and as you can imagine supports having 21 as the minimum legal drinking age. MADD explains that teens react to alcohol differently than adults and "naturally overdo it." They claim that more than 25,000 lives have been saved due to minimum legal drinking age of 21. On the MADD site you can find out more about their support of 21 as the minimum legal drinking age.

The Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) though says that the 21 year-old minimum legal drinking age doesn't stop teens from drinking and claims that more than 90% of high school seniors find it fairly easy to obtain alcohol. The SSDP claims that teens could benefit and learn to be more responsible drinkers with a lower drinking age. Teens that drink underage are usually drinking in unsafe environments, like the kid's house with the out of town parents. The SSDP says that with a lower drinking age kids won't have to hide their drinking and could be supervised and therefor learn to be more responsible. They also suggest classes in school teaching students to drink responsibly rather than teaching them to not drink at all.

Mac McCann of The Daily Texan wrote an article on why the drinking age should be lowered to 18. In it he claims that with the legal drinking age being 21 we are trying to enforce a law that is unenforceable. He says that regardless of the age, teens are still drinking and all the law is doing is punishing young adults. He believes law enforcement time and money should be spent more on cracking down on abuse and DUI rather than trying to catch a bunch of kids for drinking underage.

Regardless of your opinion on the topic there are many pros and cons to lowering the drinking age. If you are looking to learn more about the drinking age debate check out Drinking Age ProCon for a good list of pros and cons of lowering the drinking age.

Monday, February 11, 2013

China's Zuckerberg?

Charles Chao is the 46 year-old President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board for the Sina Corporation, which is China's leading internet portal. Chao received a Masters of Professional Accouting degree from the University of Texas, a M.A. in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a B.A. in Journalism from Fudan University in Shanghai, China. He first joined Sina Corp. in 1999 as Vice President of Finance and worked his way through the ranks before becoming President in 2005 and then took on the role of Chief Executive Officer in 2006. In 2009 China's government became concerned with how quickly and widespread news could be transferred through online media so they blocked Twitter and other sites like it. Chao devised and backed Sina's own microblog site called Sina Weibo and was able to get the Government's approval by keeping sensitive material off of their site. Chao calls the site a "mashup" between Facebook and Twitter and now has over 350 million registered users. He is now using Sina to support public welfare in China by setting up a public welfare platform called the Yang Fan Public Welfare Fund. Ernst & Young named him one of the 2012 Media and Entertainment Entrepreneurs of the Year. My first question for Charles would be, "What kind of impact has the new Welfare Fund had on China since its establishment and where do you see it going?

Sina Corporation
I chose to use the Sina Corporation site itself to get background information about the company and to read Charles Chao's profile on the company site.

I used Forbes because we used it in class so I knew that it was a reliable source to get good information on important people.

I chose to use TIME Lists because we used to get Time magazine at home back when I was younger and I know that Time magazine has a reputation for reliable information

Ernst & Young
Is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. I chose to use this site because I found it interesting and important that he was named an entrepreneur of the year.

The Next Web
I chose to use this source because its a relatively recent article after Chao became Chairman of the Board and it gives you some stats about Sina and tells you a little about what they are doing.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gotta Start Somewhere

My name is Colton Powden and I'm a senior Communications major at Slippery Rock University looking to pursue a career in journalism. I've never had a blog before nor have I really ever read any blogs so I'm pretty new to the blogging world. I am creating this blog as part of a requirement for my New-Media Journalism class.

Before this class I never realized how big blogging is in journalism. I had always just thought of blogs as someone just spouting off about whatever they want trying to get attention. Through the first 2 weeks of this class I've already learned that blogging is a very important part of the journalism industry. From this class I am looking forward to learning more about blogging and other new forms of media so that I can have an understanding of how to utilize them for a future career in journalism.

One of my favorite forms of traditional news media is CNN. I first started looking at CNN my freshman year because of my International Relations class. In that class we looked at issues that faced the world and my professor would bring up just about everyday to show us a specific story or a video. I like CNN because I like the way their site is set up, they have a good balance between articles and videos and I feel like they do a solid job of covering the news.

Bleacher Report is a form of new-media journalism that focuses on sports. I first found out about the site through Twitter, someone I followed re-tweeted a link to a story on their website. I see a lot of links to their site on Twitter and the more stories I read the more I started to like this site. I like this site because its all about sports and if you sign up for the site you can set up a list of your favorite teams to make finding news about your team easy.

I can be found on both Facebook and Twitter. I'm excited to get a start in blogging and other types of new-media journalism in this class as I prepare for a career in journalism.